Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Fashion Lover's Inner Conflict

I have the most conflicted style...I often pair pieces which were rather pricey with that $2 top I scrounged up from Vinny's or Goodwill. I think I like this about myself - it contributes to my eclectic soul and my love of collecting the odd and obscure but also acquiring classic and loved brand name items.

Just thoughts pouring out of my mind I wanted to share as I browsed some sites greatest weakness, the "spend X amount and get free shipping" deal.


Retail Therapy

My mother was supposed to visit this weekend...unfortunately that didn't pan out. She'll be here next weekend to treat me to a serious birthday shopping excursion. Then I can do my very first haul video - something I plan on doing often. 

Until then, I'll just have to treat myself to some retail therapy with my roommate. 

Maybe I'll even do a bit of thrifting - the hipsters pass time. 
